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Our community is here for everyone. We want to make sure that the community offers a positive experience for all visitors. We have established the following guidelines so it is clear what is expected of all community members. If you have any questions, please contact us at


Be friendly

Let’s treat each other with respect. Users will not post any racist, sexist, discriminatory, derogatory, threatening or otherwise insulting content. Please refrain from using profanity or other offensive language. 

Keep it legal

Users may not post any offensive material, share illegal or copyrighted content, attempt to distribute illegal substances, distribute viruses, or anything that is considered illegal by your country of residence.

Stay on topic

Please do not change the subject of a discussion to something not intended by the original poster. Any off-topic posting on threads will result in content being removed and ultimately can lead to denied community access.

Save the selling

Users may not use this forum for commercial activities such as advertising or selling products. Unsolicited messages, including spam, are unacceptable and will lead to disabling of the offender’s account.  

Shhh - keep private information private

Don’t share personal information (telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.) of yourself, other people, or companies. Be sure to scrub any confidential or proprietary information from code samples, screenshots or other assets you post in the community.

No multiple accounts

A user may not have multiple accounts on this community. If the Community Team detects multiple accounts, all secondary accounts will be banned.

Moderator actions

The Community Team reserves the right to change or remove content or, if necessary, to restrict access to individual users.

Be careful

All users on this community are here to help, but always use good judgment and scrutiny when following the advice of others. Information derived from this community is provided as-is with no warranty. 

What if I see content that violates these guidelines?

Click the three dots (...) on any post and then Report


What happens if someone violates these guidelines or the Terms and Conditions? It’s at the discretion of the moderators, but you may lose access up to and including a permanent ban. 

Contact us at with any questions about the community terms of service, content, policies, or guidelines. 



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