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We were finally able to configure and get SSO online and operational this past week in our Dev environment, and pushed it in to the production world yesterday.  After running fine for about 10-12 hours, we came in this morning to the following error:


SAML validation failed.  
Invalid assertion iinsert a bunch of random letters and numbers] for SAML response ninsert more random letters and numbers]: Assertion IssueInstant was invalid, expired
Contact your Org Admin to resolve the issue.


I check with the in group that manages SSO and they claim nothing has changed on their end, so now I must ask:  How do we get past this so I can turn SSO back on?


P.S. we are on base 11 app version 24.8 (rolling to 24.9 in a couple hours)

The “expired” portion of your error leads me to believe you may have time drift in play. Have you checked your time settings? The time must be aligned between the FN server and the IdP. 

If you are still having issues after verifying time settings, please open a support case at  

It was indeed the time drift!  Thanks much for letting me know (first time SSO user right here).
