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Hi all, 

We are getting “No processed Snapshot found. Please take a Snapshot and try again.” when trying to hook Forward Network with SNOW CMDB, anyone has any idea why this happen ? 

( We do have snapshots already taken and processed) 

Thank you 

Hello @huutho5011 thanks for your contribution to the Forward community. This seems like something we should create a case on for to allow deeper debugging by our support teams. The integration steps should be fairly simple. Are you utilizing on prem or SAAS? 


I have included the link to the support portal below: 

Support Portal

Thanks Deron. Will follow this with support team then. Problem happens before any of the integration steps in the documents happen. Clicking on CMDB “Add” button alone cause this issue. We are using SAAS.

Hi @huutho5011 The root cause of this issue was identified and platform changes were made to prevent this issue in the future.


Thanks again for your contribution to the community. 
