Hi all,
I am new to NQE and trying to find out a way to list up all the devices with the EOL/S status.
Here is the script which the first phase.
* @intent End-of-life data for operating systems
* @description If EoL data is known for the OS of a device,
* then that device shows the respected dates, if not EoS related columns shows null.
* Data exists for devices running any of these OSes:
foreach device in network.devices
let platform = device.platform
let osSupport = platform.osSupport
/* where isPresent(osSupport) */
select {
Device: device.name,
Vendor: platform.vendor,
Model: platform.model,
OS: platform.os,
"OS Version": platform.osVersion,
"End of OS maintenance": osSupport?.lastMaintenanceDate,
"End of OS vulnerability": osSupport?.lastVulnerabilityDate,
"End of OS support": osSupport?.lastSupportDate,
URL: osSupport?.announcementUrl,
Location: device.locationName,
Tags: device.tagNames,
"Collection IP": device.snapshotInfo.collectionIp,
"Management IP(s)": platform.managementIps,
Type: platform.deviceType
When this NQE is executed, as you can see, for BIG-IP devices it shows null.

I am thinking of extending this script to make it more clear.
If the device os != EOS, IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, JUNO, NXOS, PANOS
then the field shows, something like “not support on Forward Enterprise”
If the device OS matches any of the supported devices, i.e. EOS, IOS, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, JUNO, NXOS, PANOS, and it has a EOL/S date, those three fields “OS maintenance”, “OS vulnerability”, “OS support” shows the respected dates.
Else, for these suppoted devices, these three fields shows “no announcement yet”.
Any one can help me write this script?
Thank you in advance.