I have a problem where the two lines of this module output are not the same. How can I put in essentially null place holders so that they resultant patterns are the "same"?
example output
Notice that module 2 does not have Fw or Sw.
Mod MAC addresses Hw Fw Sw Status
1 a03d.6f81.0740 to a03d.6f81.074f 1.1 15.0(1r)SG12 03.07.03.E Ok
2 b0aa.777d.d010 to b0aa.777d.d017 1.0 Ok
I was trying to use these two patterns and tried to put in placeholds of Fw and Sw at the end of "pattern03". But the NQE does not like this.
pattern02 =
Mod MAC addresses
{modNum:number} {string} to {string} {hwVer:string} {fwVer:string} {swVer:string} {modStatus:string}
pattern03 =
Mod MAC addresses
{modNum:number} {string} to {string} {hwVer:string} {modStatus:string} {fwVer: null:string} {swVer: null:string}
getMacAddrList(parsedOutput) =
foreach pattern in ipattern02, pattern03]
foreach match in blockMatches(parsedOutput, pattern)
select match;